Campaign Apps — UI Revamp
Campaign #ForChange is an Indonesian-based social startup that connects individuals, social organizations, donors and sponsors who care about social issues. Our social action platform enables campaign organizers to challenge their supporters to take social actions and unlock donations from sponsors.
Problem: User is unable to easily access the info they need from home screen. Goals: Make our user easier to access any content they would need. Initiatives: Revamp Home Page.
- Supporter: regular users that come to the app to support a movement/take challenge.
- Organizer: communities of individual who want to create a challenge or check their ongoing challenge.

The first stage to reaching the goal it’s observing and analyze the existing design. The goal is to find what in the existing design doesn’t work, and what can be improved. Based on my observation, I found some part of the existing design can be improved like some point below.

- Too much space for the dashboard, but less information.
- The graphics circle indicator describes nothing.
- Call to action, not in the right position.
- Fewer calls to action to another content.
- Repeated information.
- For make it feel clean design, adjust the shadow or taken down.
Search page
- Too many suggestions and information can confusing user.
Based on the analysis in the previous stage, at this stage make a rough sketch as an initial image which will later be converted into a high fidelity wireframe.


Prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/5IYEmE8gljmekFiGlXu59T/retail-apps?node-id=311%3A458&scaling=min-zoom
Appreciate the design of the Campaign.com team who have given their best efforts in building this application. The application that connects individuals, social organizations, donors and sponsors who care about social problems. This design concept is purely from my personal point of view.