BCA New Mobile Banking App — UI Revamp

Umar Surya
3 min readJan 15, 2021

As we already know, BCA is one of the biggest banks in Indonesia. To Improve and to create a better customer experience, BCA would like to revamp its Famous Mobile Banking.

Requirement. Make an easy to use and Engaging Transfer Journey and Dashboard for BCA Mobile Banking App.

- Design a new User Interface for the Dashboard of the Mobile Banking app.
- Create a Transfer (To New Account) Journey.

Design Process


Analyze the existing design interface, BCA has a good user experience but not supported by the interface.

  1. Too much blank space.
  2. Repetition, this button nav has the same function as three-button above.
  3. QA button its not primary action when the user uses BCA mobile banking in my opinion.
  4. Inconsistent visual icon.


Creating a design concept to increase customers experience in a visual interface side, this can be solved with a clear grid system, consistency design, typography. And still, stand out of BCA brand identity.

Rough Sketch
Design Assets

Deliver — Visual Design Solution (UI)

Prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/swc6eBb9o40WgwuciecCnS/BCA-Revamp?node-id=169%3A674&scaling=scale-down

Usability Testing

Validate the design solution from a usability side, run a Transfer Journey (To New Account).

Existing Journey

If the user registers a new account, they wanna go to transfer to a registered new account, in my opinion. So if the user has finished register, point them to transfer form page.

Cut this line, point user to transfer form.
New Journey
Result Usability Test

Thanks for reading! Let’s be friends!

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Best Regards, Umar Surya



Umar Surya
Umar Surya

Written by Umar Surya

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