BCA New Mobile Banking App — UI Revamp
As we already know, BCA is one of the biggest banks in Indonesia. To Improve and to create a better customer experience, BCA would like to revamp its Famous Mobile Banking.
Requirement. Make an easy to use and Engaging Transfer Journey and Dashboard for BCA Mobile Banking App.
- Design a new User Interface for the Dashboard of the Mobile Banking app.
- Create a Transfer (To New Account) Journey.
Analyze the existing design interface, BCA has a good user experience but not supported by the interface.
- Too much blank space.
- Repetition, this button nav has the same function as three-button above.
- QA button its not primary action when the user uses BCA mobile banking in my opinion.
- Inconsistent visual icon.
Creating a design concept to increase customers experience in a visual interface side, this can be solved with a clear grid system, consistency design, typography. And still, stand out of BCA brand identity.
Deliver — Visual Design Solution (UI)
Prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/swc6eBb9o40WgwuciecCnS/BCA-Revamp?node-id=169%3A674&scaling=scale-down
Usability Testing
Validate the design solution from a usability side, run a Transfer Journey (To New Account).
If the user registers a new account, they wanna go to transfer to a registered new account, in my opinion. So if the user has finished register, point them to transfer form page.